How to install GVM/OpenVAS to scan vulnerabilities on Kali Linux?

How to install GVM/OpenVAS to scan vulnerabilities on Kali Linux?

First, you need to upgrade your Kali Linux environment. Before conducting an upgrade, it is recommended that you enter the following command so that the list of available packages and their versions is updated beforehand (without installing or upgrading any packages):

# sudo apt-get update

After that, installing newer versions of the packages you have (As mentioned previously, because the lists have bee updated, the package manager is aware of available updates for the software you have installed):

# sudo apt full-upgrade -y

Note: you can use the combo command "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" to do both steps after each other.

After that, install gvm or openvas (opevas used to be the name for this scanning tool, and it was then changed to gvm. Currently, openvas refers to scan engine. However, if you choose to install opevas, it will refer to gvm):

# sudo apt install gvm

Then, check the prerequisites for the environment before the installation:

# sudo gvm-check-setup -h

Next, the gvm feed can be updated by the following command line:

# sudo gvm-feed-update

Now comes the main task of today, that is, the installation:

# sudo gvm-setup

Finally, open the vulnerability scanning tool: 

# sudo gvm-start


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