Install Gophish and Start Your Phishing Campaign

Install Gophish on Kali Linux and Start Your Phishing Campaign 

Installing go programming language

# source ~/.bashrc

# sudo apt install -y golang

# sudo vim helloworld.go 

# go run helloworld.go

# sudo vim ~/.bashrc

Add the following paths to the end of the file
export GOPATH=/root/go-workspace
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go

Installing gophish using pre-built binaries

Download the gophish installer and extract the contents of the zip file

# unzip -d /home/kali/Downloads/gophish

Give Gophish necessary permissions

Give the gophish the necessary permissions to run without permission restrictions:

# sudo chmod +x gophish

Running gophish

# ./gophish

Logging into gophish 

Go to the admin server at

Setting up gophish sending profile

New Sending Profile

Note: Create an application-specific password on Gmail. First, enable 2-step verification:

Send Test Email

Received the test email:

Email Templates

Landing Page

Create a gophish campaign


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